Deploying Odoo on Google Cloud via Bitnami
Evaluation or Production Deployment on Google Cloud
Deploying Odoo on Google Cloud via Bitnami
JD Berkowitz 18 May, 2022
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Odoo, a comprehensive suite of business applications, has become a favoured choice for many businesses due to its flexibility and open-source nature. However, deploying Odoo can be quite a task, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. But worry not, because Google Cloud and Bitnami are here to the rescue.

Google Cloud provides a scalable and reliable cloud infrastructure, while Bitnami simplifies the deployment process. Together, they offer an excellent platform to deploy Odoo.



Before we dive into the steps, let's review what you need:

Setting Up Google Cloud

The first step is to set up your Google Cloud account. Log in to your Google Cloud account and create a new project. Follow the instructions to set up your billing and permissions.

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the Google Cloud console. This is where you'll be managing and monitoring your resources.

Setting Up Bitnami

Bitnami is a platform that provides pre-configured applications for the cloud. One of these applications is Odoo. An image for the most recent major stable release can be deployed to various containers and platforms including Google CLoud, Amazon AWS, and Microsoft Azure. 

To set up Odoo through Bitnami, navigate to the Bitnami website at

Deploying Odoo

Now that we've set up Google Cloud and Bitnami, we can move on to deploying Odoo. Here's how:

  1. On the Bitnami Odoo Stack page, click on the "Deploy in the Cloud" button.

  2. Select Google Cloud as your cloud platform.

  3. You'll be redirected to the GCP Marketplace. Click "Launch".

  4. Configure your deployment by selecting your project, naming your deployment, choosing your zone, and selecting your machine type.

  5. Click "Deploy".

Bitnami will take care of the deployment process. It will set up the server and install Odoo.

Post-deployment Steps

After the deployment, you can check the status of your deployment in the GCP Console. You'll also find the information on how to access your Odoo instance.

Now you can start configuring your Odoo instance to fit your business needs. Odoo is highly customizable, so don't be afraid to explore its features and capabilities.


Deploying Odoo on Google Cloud via Bitnami is an efficient and effective way to get your Odoo instance up and running. It combines the robustness of Google Cloud with the simplicity of Bitnami, resulting in a powerful business tool.

We hope this guide has been helpful. Give this deployment method a try and take your business processes to the next level. Happy deploying!

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