A Leap Forward in AI Image Generation: Adobe FireFly Beta
A look at Firefly Image Generator
A Leap Forward in AI Image Generation: Adobe FireFly Beta
JD Berkowitz 20 May, 2023
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Rating: ★★★★☆ (4/5)

For my last blog article I wanted to find a synth image of a robot and older person but it proved hard to find so I decided to give the recent Firefly A.I. a try. I gained access to Adobe's FireFly Beta image generator recently and it looks more promising than others in the market. 

It is a remarkable leap forward in the realm of AI-driven image generation. The quality of images it produces is truly impressive, showcasing a significant improvement in composition and speed. The tool's ability to generate beautiful, rich, and diverse compositions in a single shot is a testament to Adobe's prowess in the field of AI and machine learning.

However, the software is not without its flaws. The generation of human faces, in particular, leaves much to be desired. There are noticeable artifacts present in the generated human figures that need to be smoothed over. Despite this, the overall quality of the images is still commendable.

When compared to other AI image generators, FireFly Beta stands out. Against OpenAI's DALL-E, FireFly Beta shows magnitudes of improvement, particularly in terms of image quality and speed. However, when pitted against a well-trained StableDiffusion model, FireFly Beta still has room for improvement.

One possible explanation for the less-than-perfect rendering of human faces could be the inherent challenges associated with privacy and cultural issues. Large AI companies like Adobe must tread carefully in this area, which could be a contributing factor to the less realistic facial representations.

Adobe's FireFly Beta is a promising tool that has made significant strides in AI image generation. While there are areas that need improvement, particularly in the generation of human faces, the overall performance of the tool is impressive. It's exciting to see what future updates will bring to this already impressive platform.

Lets take a look at what it produced for the prompt with varying styles and attributes applied :

Ultra HD, A friendly robot holding flowers meeting an older person in a futuristic city, soft bokeh, photorealistic.

Adobe FireFly Beta

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

Adobe Firefly Image Generator

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